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GOC Makarios (Lamian Synod)

This synod of bishops was a continuation of the Florinite bishops who were ordained by the Russian Church Abroad in 1961. They remained in communion with the Russian Church Abroad until the Russians united with the Cyprianite heretics in 1994. They remained faithful to the church and the Faith until they united with the homosexual group known as HOCNA in 2013. HOCNA is a personality-cult centered around the abbot Fr. Panteleimon, formed for his protection. In 1985, during the course of a synodal investigation into the accusations of homosexual crimes made by several of his monks, Fr.Panteleimon fled, thereby confirming his guilt. He and those with him were justly deposed from the priesthood by the Russian Church.

So this hapless group of Makarite bishops went into communion with clergy that the Russian bishops who had ordained them in 1961 had deposed. In uniting with the schismatics of HOCNA, who also teach the name worshiping heresy and the heresy of repentance after death, Makarios and his synod of bishops have become the same as HOCNA—not only schismatics, but also heretics.

In April of 2019 the schismatic synod of Archbishop Makarios broke communion with the heretical synod of HOCNA. Unfortunately, as is typical in our days of ecumenism, Makarios saw no need to repent of being in communion with name-worshipping heretics, those who believe in repentance after death, and deposed clergy, for six years. Repenting to true hierarchs who have not fallen is too humiliating for many hierarchs or synods in our days. They remain, therefore, a synod under the guilt of violating the canons. Although they escaped the judgement of man, they are liable to the judgement of God according canon eleven of the Apostles: A clergyman who prays in company with a deposed clergyman shall also be deposed.

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