Holy Orthodox Church of North America (HOCNA)
The acronym HOCNA represents the so-called “Holy Orthodox Church of North America”, a schism formed by uncanonically breaking away from the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in the 1980’s. This “church” is a personality-cult formed to protect and enable the homosexual lifestyle of the former abbot, Fr. Panteleimon Metropoulos.
Fr. Panteleimon headed the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Brookline, Massachusetts, originally a part of Russian Church Abroad. However, in 1985, during the course of a synodal investigation into the accusations of homosexual crimes made by several of his monks, Fr. Panteleimon deliberately fled and transferred his monastery to the jurisdiction of two schismatic Greek Old-Calendar bishops. One of these afterwards began an investigation himself of the charges against the abbot. Shortly thereafter, for obvious reasons, the monastery again transfered to the jurisdiction of the deposed simonaic Archbishop Auxentios of Athens, who was then in schism from his own synod. Within a short time, Fr. Panteleimon succeeded in having the simonaic archbishop ordain several of Fr. Panteleimon’s monks as bishops. After Auxentios’ death, the abbot and his puppet disciple-bishops broke off communion with Auxentios’ successor Maximos, and have remained in isolation from everyone else until recently.
In 2013, Archbishop Makarios of the G.O.C. of Greece and his synod, formerly the Lamian Synod, entered into union with the loathsome parasynagogue synod of HOCNA! In the meantime, the number of victimized public accusers of the homosexual abbot and other corrupt members of the monastery continues to rise.
This group also teaches the name worshiping heresy (a teaching that says the name of God is the essence of God, a novel idea condemned by both the Russian and the Greek churches) and the heresy of repentance after death (a novel idea never heard of in Orthodoxy, which contradicts the Scriptures and is something similar to the "universal salvation" heresy of Origen). In so doing, they have become not only schismatics, but also heretics.
Articles and Video
Video - What is “HOCNA”?
A Chronology of Events Leading up to the Panteleimonite Schism
Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky on the Name-Worship Heresy
Decision of the Holy Synod of the Church of Russia, 1913 [On the Name-Worshipping Heresy]
Latest Developments in the Tragedy
Known as the Holy Orthodox Church
of North America (HOCNA)
Late 2012
Latest Developments in the Tragedy Known as the Holy Orthodox Church of North America (HOCNA)
Letter from Father Sergius of HTM to Several Prisoners Concerning the Recent Events of HOCNA
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