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Roman Catholics

The term ‘Roman Catholic’ refers to the heresy formed around the person of the Pope of Rome (who broke away from the Orthodox Church in 1054 A.D.), which strives to subject the world to the incontrovertible doctrinal and decretal authority of this man, declared to be the “substitute [vicari] of the Son of God”, “Christ on earth”, etc. This is the fundamental and only truly unchanging doctrinal aspect of this sect and its essence; all other characteristics may be changed or ‘developed’ in new directions, of which history already records many examples.

In addition to the dogma of the Pope, the Roman Catholic heresy currently holds the heresies of the Dual Causation of the Holy Spirit, God as a Tripartite Energy (with Created Grace being a further heretical consequence), Purgatory and the Papal Treasury of Merits, Development of Dogma, the Divine Inspiration and Salvific Nature of all Religions (a heresy stemming from the 20th-century Freemasonic takeover of the Vatican), the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the Sacramentalogy of Opere Operato, etc., as well as the canonical violations of claiming jurisdiction for the Pope in all dioceses, adding to the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, Rejection of Married Priests, Mutation or Mutilation of the Mysteries of Holy Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, and Lord’s Divine Liturgy and Eucharist (unleavened wafers, removal of the invocation of the Holy Spirit, etc.), and the papal decrees ordering or sanctioning the robbery, torture, murder, enslavement, and other forms of inhuman maltreatment of insubordinate or non-Roman Catholic persons.

In consequence of all this, Roman Catholicism finds a leading place in the list of heresies on this website.


Bishop Augustine of Hippo

Archbishop Gregory
Dormition Skete
P.O. Box 3177
Buena Vista, CO 81211-3177
Contact: Archbishop Gregory
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