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Confession of Faith
History & Canonicity
An Explanation of History & Canonicity in the Orthodox Church
Statement of Canonicity of Archbishop Gregory of Denver and Colorado
The Apostolic Succession of the Genuine Orthodox Church of America
The Kniga Consistorium and why it should be Condemned
Anathema Against the Cyprianite Heresy
Anathema Against the Cyprianite Heresy - In Greek
2007 - 2008 Events of the Genuine Orthodox Church of America
Timeline of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Russia and Greece and the Great Apostasy of Orthodoxy in the 20th Century
Visual Timeline History of the Holy Orthodox Church
His Eminence, Archbishop Gregory (George) of Denver and Colorado
His Eminence, Bishop John (Egan) of Colorado Springs
Parish Directory
The Church of Saint Maximos the Confessor In Colorado Springs, Colorado Receives a New Altar Table - December 4, 2015
Preparation and Sanctification of the Holy Myrrh Dormition Skete - Holy Week 2009
Consecration of Bishop John December 24, 2007 OS / January 6, 2008 NS
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