
To the Young People of the Church

On the Law of God

by Saint Philaret the Confessor

Table of Contents

I. Conscience and Moral Responsibility
II. The Nature of Sin
III. Virtue
IV. God’s Law
V. Freedom of Will
VI. The Christian “I”
VII. Humility
VIII. Conversion of Sinners
IX. Grace and Salvation
X. Learning and Religion
XI. Emotional Development
XII. Emotional Development in Children; And on Christian Hope
XIII. The Education and Development of Man’s Will
XIV. Strengthening the Will With Work and Vows
XV. The Struggle Against Lust
XVI. Other Carnal Problems: Christian Death
XVII. Christian Justice
XVIII. Falsehood: Christian Charity
IXX. Envy: Cursing and Anger
XX. Insolvent Ethical Systems
XXI. Christian Love as the Basic Principle of Morality
XXII. The Orthodox Family
XXIII. Family and Society: Patriotism
XXIV. Christian Service: War
XXV. Christianity and Communism
XXVI. The Unity of Love For God and For Neighbor
XXVII. The Christian Obligation to Know God
XXVIII. The Necessity of Prayer
XXIX. The Model of Christian Prayer
XXX. Prayer: Feasts and Fasts


Translated by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo - used with permission - all rights reserved.

Archbishop Gregory
Dormition Skete
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Buena Vista, CO 81211-3177
Contact: Archbishop Gregory
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