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Chapter 37: To the Lamian Synod

In February 1999, when Archimandrite Gregory was cut off from the Synod of Chrysostom Kiousis, he joined the other bishops that separated from the archbishop earlier. It was only then that he learned the reason for the schism. In 1994 there were twelve bishops in the Synod. Six bishops, led by the archbishop, set up a shadow corporation into which donations were funneled without the knowledge of the other six bishops. When this was discovered, the archbishop and his five conspirators separated themselves from the remaining bishops and never sought to repent and have unification again. The other six bishops elected Metropolitan Kallinikos of Lamia as their president.

Metropolitan Kallinikos of Lamia

From the beginning of this separation Metropolitan Kallinikos was waiting for some sign of repentance on the part of the archbishop, but there was none. What sign the archbishop did show to the rest of the old calendarists in Greece was the blatant ordination of Fr. Paul of Astoria. This action of the archbishop caused Metropolitan Kallinikos to at last declare the separation to be final and that there would be no communion with the archbishop or commemoration of him in the dyptychs. When Fr. Gregory finally appeared before Metropolitan Kallinikos, the bishop and those with him jestingly said, “What took you so long?” It seems they were following the news very closely about Fr. Paul and his slanders and his ordination, and they concluded that Fr. Gregory would eventually join them.

Father Gregory was eagerly received by Metropolitan Kallinikos, the president of the Synod, and his monastery of Dormition Skete was placed directly under Metropolitan Kallinikos, who was made exarch of the United States. The period of time under the Metropolitan proved to be very peaceful for the monastery in America. It was during this time that one of the monastery‘s monks, Fr. George, was sent to Greece and ordained a deacon by Metropolitan Kallinikos.

Also during this period, the Cathedral of the Dormition at the skete was consecrated by Metropolitan Euthymios of Thessalonica. He consecrated the altar with relics of the martyrs Probos, Tarachos and Andronikos, and with relics of the Holy Innocents. Paradoxically and noteworthily, this consecration was in many ways similar to an historical event in the history of Palestine, when the catholikon of St. Euthymios the Great was consecrated with relics of the very same Sts. Probos, Tarachos and Andronikos, and this church was likewise dedicated to the Dormition.

Archbishop Gregory
Dormition Skete
P.O. Box 3177
Buena Vista, CO 81211-3177
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Last Updated: July 12, 2011