DR Congo
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Parish Directory

For Inquiries Regarding the Genuine Orthodox Church of America, please contact Archbishop Gregory:

Archbishop Gregory
Dormition Skete
P.O. Box 3177
Buena Vista, CO 81211-3177

Telephone: (719)395-6395
Fax: (719)395-9376

Contact: Archbishop Gregory
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Archbishop Gregory

Archbishop Gregory

For Inquiries Regarding the Diocese of Colorado Springs and Southern America, please contact Bishop John:

Bishop John
Dormition Skete
P.O. Box 3177
Buena Vista, CO 81211-3177

Telephone: (719)395-6395
Fax: (719)395-9376

Contact: Bishop John
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Bishop John

Bishop John


The Following Parishes are in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are under the guidance of His Eminence, Archbishop Gregory.

Father Theophilos
9 parishes

Parish of the Holy Dormition

Hieromonk Théophile Malu Mantonde

Hieromonk Théophile Malu Mantonde

Ordained Priestmonk by Archbishop Gregory on 12/25 October 2006

Contact: Tshikapa/Kele/Kasaï/DRC
Tel. +243999386063 / 00243822549188
Email: gocafrica@gmail.com, theophilemalu@yahoo.fr

Father Joseph Luboya

Father Joseph Luboya

Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 10/23 October 2023. His Presbytera is Eugenie Kankolongo. Number of children: 7+1 adoptive son. Tel.: 00243977120614

Parish of St. Andrew

Father Medard (Mardarius, Shampa Woto)

Father Medard (Mardarius, Shampa Woto)

Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 30 June / 13 July 2021. His Presbytera is Catherine Matshingi.
Number of children: 7

Contact: Tshikapa / Kasala
Tel. 00243977041587
Email: shampawoto@gmail.com

Parish of Saint Gregory Palamas

Father Zacharie Kayembe

Father Zacharie Kayembe

Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 11/24 October 2023. His Presbytera is Marthe Nseya
Number of children: 1 son and 4 adopted children

Contact: Tshikapa/Centre
Tel. 00243998616834
Email: filszachariekayembe@gmail.com

Parish of the Holy Apostle Luke

Father Jean Munganga

Father Jean Munganga

Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 12/25 October 2023. His Presbytera is Christine Mapinga. They have 7 children.

Contact: Ituwa Port/Sankuru
Tel: 00243837969982

Parish of Saint Macarios the Great

Father Spyridon Lumu

Father Spyridon Lumu

Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 13/26 October 2023. His Presbytera is Regine Mundi. They have six children.

Contact: Tshikapa/Bumba
Tel. 00243991401118

Parish of the Holy Apostles

Father Clement Muamba

Father Clement Muamba

Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on15/28 October 2023. His Presbytera is Veronique Mabedi. They have one adoptive child.

Contact: Kasumbalesa/Katanga
Tel. 00243995443962

Parish of Saint Anthony the Great

Father Deacon Augustine Pongo

Father Deacon Augustine Pongo

Ordained to the diaconate in 2007 by Archbishop Gregory, chrismated by Bishop Nektarios on 2 November 2023. His Diakonissa is Pauline Kama Kalanga. Number of children: 11

Contact: MPongo Tshieme/Mweka
Tel. 00243816347213

Parish of Saint Basil the Great

Father Deacon Pierre Ntumba

Father Deacon Pierre Ntumba

Ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Nektarios on 19/1 November 2023. His diakonessa is Petronie Mbidi. They have 8 children.

Contact: Ilebo
Tel. 00243994138730

Parish of Saint Moses the Black
Contact: Kinshasa/Nsele/Badara
Tel. 00243993788530

Father Clement
6 parishes

Parish of St. Nicholas

Father Clément Mukebayi

Father Clément Mukebayi

Presbytera Mbombo Marie (Thérèse)
Number of children: 12
He was ordained Priest by Archbishop Gregoire on July 8, 2007. Father Clement stays in Kananga/Kamulumba.
The church has 330 parishioners.

Father Lucien Mukebayi

Father Lucien Mukebayi

Ordained to the holy priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 18/31 October 2023 feast of St. Luke the Evangelist.
Presbytera Marie (Ngalula).
Number of Children: 6

Parish of St. Jacques

Father David Bitu Biduaya

Father David Bitu Biduaya

Ordained to the holy Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 21 June/4 July 2021 on the commemoration of all the Saints of Russia, Mount Athos and America.
Presbytera: Esther Kabu
Number of Children: 6

Parish of Prophet Elias
Father David

Parish of St. Catherine
Deacon Theodore

Father Deacon Theodore Ntumba

Father Deacon Theodore Ntumba

Ordained to the holy Deaconate by Bishop Nektarios on 25/8 July 2021, on the commemoration of Virgin Martyr Fevronia of Nisibis
Diakonissa: Marie Lufika
Number of Children: 7

Parish of St. Gregory Palamas
Deacon Alfred

Deacon Alfred Kapuku

Deacon Alfred Kapuku

Ordained to the holy Diaconate by Bishop Nektarios on 18/31st October 2023, on the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist.
Diakonissa Ngalula Godelieve.
Number of Children: 6

Parish of St. Gregory Palamas
Father Clement

Dilembue/Ndemba Territory
Father Martin
4 parishes

Parish of the Holy Trinity

Father Martin Lukusa

Father Martin Lukusa

Presbytera Magdalene (Lukengu) and they have eight children.
Ordained Priest by Bishop Ambroise.

Father Samuel Tshisanga

Father Samuel Tshisanga

Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 16/29th October 2023 Sunday of the holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical council.
Presbytera Marie (Ngalula).
Number of Children: 5

Parish of St. Panteleimon
Father Martin
Beya-Buanga Ndemba

Parish of St Basil the Great
Father Martin

Parish of St. Ambrose
Father Martin

Kazumba Territory
Father Dimitrios
4 parishes

Parish of Sts. Cyprian and Justine
Father Dimitrios

Father Dimitrios Mukeke Kabamba

Father Dimitrios Mukeke Kabamba

Father Dimitrios was ordained to the holy Priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 22 June/5 July 2021 on the commemoration of Martyr Alban of Britain and Hieromartyr Evsevios the Confessor.
Presybytera: Elizabeth Mbelu
Number of Children: 7
Telephone: 09756507211

Parish of St. Gregory the Theologian
Father Dimitrios

Parish of Saint Elisabeth
Father Dimitrios

Parish of Saint Andrew
Father Dimitrios


1 parish

Parish of St. Philip, Apostle and Deacon

Deceased Clergy

Church of St. Gregory Palamas

Father Laurence Tsaiongo

Father Laurence Tsaiongo

Presbytera Maria (Naiua) and they have three children.

His parish was 130km distance from Kananga.
He served 213 faithful.
He reposed in October 2008.

Church of St. Gregory Palamas

Father Deacon Haralambos Muamba

Father Deacon Haralambos Muamba

Diaconissa Mbiye Charlotte, and they have 7 children.
He was ordained a deacon by Archbishop Gregory in July 2007.

His parish was The Church of Saint Gregory Palamas in Dibaya Territory, 90 kilometers from Kananga.
He served 150+ faithful.
He reposed in September 2007.

Church of St. Gregory Palamas

Father Deacon Philip Katawa

Father Deacon Philip Katawa

Diaconissa Marie (Kapinga), and they have 9 children.
He was ordained a deacon by Archbishop Gregory in July 2007.

He served the parish of the Church of Saint Gregory Palamas in Kananga-Ndesha.
He reposed in February 2011.